Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Must-Read from Sarah Palin

Former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin came out a few days ago decrying what she called "death panels" which will be authorized by H.R. 3200. Many on the hard right have been complaining about this provision, incorrectly portraying these end-of-life counseling sessions as mandatory, when the legislation does not specifically create such a mandate. (BTW, we physicians have been doing this for a long time, particularly when there has been a "change in status" of a patient's health; we just don't get specifically paid for it.)

President Obama quickly responded to her statement, addressing the non-mandatory status of these consultations. (Funny how he doesn't respond so quickly to other criticisms, just when it's from Sarah Palin.... The left must really fear her.)

Sarah Palin has countered Obama's reply, and where the President's response was a dismissive slap, Palin's reply is a hard right cross to the jaw. Go and read her new statement --THIS is how we fight this socialist takeover of the medical care industry.

There is no time to waste! Call/write/fax/email your Congressman and Senators and let them know in no uncertain terms that you want H.R. 3200 to suffer a first-term abortion. Contact them daily.

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