Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Health Care via the United States Post Office, per President Obama

It's obvious that President Obama never had to make a living in sales (though that's an interesting observation about someone who makes his living selling himself in the world of politics). Otherwise he wouldn't have made the blunder he made today.

Now, we know that Mr. Obama is really pushing for a single-payer, government-controlled "health care" system. He's said so much in the past. And lest you think that his plan, being given birth in the form of H.R. 3200, is not a back door to a single payer government system, take a look at what Congressman Barney Frank had to say about this.

So why did Obama make this comparison, like he did today?:

"UPS and FedEx are doin' just fine.... It's the Post Office that's always havin' problems..."

So he compares his public option insurance plan (and thus the single-payer he's really after) to the Post Office -- that shining example of government 'efficiency' that is chronically slow, always loses money, stresses its employees such that everyone recognizes the phrase "going postal", and is now talking about having to cut back on services (i.e., rationing).

Meanwhile, everyone also recognizes that private, free-enterprise firms such as UPS and FedEx are faster, more efficient, and in the long run cheaper than the 'public option'.

Do the American people want a public, government-run "health care" system guaranteed to make us wait, fail to deliver on time, constantly becoming more and more expensive, and having to ration services just to function?

The opinions being expressed at townhall meetings across the country are a clear answer to that question. And that answer is not just no, but hell no!

There is no time to waste! Call/write/fax/email your Congressman and Senators and let them know in no uncertain terms that you want H.R. 3200 to suffer a first-term abortion. Contact them daily. Shut down Washington the way we did when we successfully killed that bastard of an immigration bill two years ago.

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