Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Fundamental Flaw of ObamaCare in a Nutshell

Ken Blackwell made a startlingly succinct appraisal of the current plans by the Obama Administration to 'reform' the medical care system in a post on RedState today. I think the reason that so many people in this country are opposing this plan is really on the basis of this particular aspect of it -- they feel in their hearts and souls what is wrong with it without being able to put it into words. Ken Blackwell has found the words.

In a post discussing the special election for the U.S. Senate seat in Massachusetts left open by the death of Ted Kennedy (I will not call it Kennedy's seat; that seat belongs to no one person)between Martha Coakley (D) and Scott Brown (R), Blackwell was discussing the statement made by Coakley that Roman Catholics should not work in certain jobs in health care because of their conscientious objections to certain procedures (read abortion):

Pittman specifically asked Coakley about the rights of conscience of health-care providers, and segued into a query on Roman Catholics in Massachusetts’s hospitals....

(Coakley's) response to Pittman was to denounce the idea of any allowance for individual conscience in federal healthcare legislation. Then she uttered the line that alone ought to sink her campaign: “The law says that people are allowed to have that. You can have religious freedom but you probably shouldn’t work in the emergency room.”

Blackwell responds by stating:

The logical consequences of Martha Coakley’s statement are both grotesque and stupid.

Martha Coakley does not exist in a vacuum. Her belief that conscience and its protections must be forced out of the healthcare sector are tightly bound up with the ideology underlying the President’s push for healthcare reform. That reform threatens ever-greater government involvement in healthcare, and probably portends its takeover if passed.

With that comes the precedence of government priorities — and there’s little room for individual conscience then..... President Obama is taking the first step toward forcing healthcare professionals to follow the government’s ethical agenda rather than their own.

And it won't just be 'health care' professionals' ethical positions that will be subjugated to that of the ruling party (as it will be the ruling party, not the "government" making these ethical decisions). The ethical positions of every individual patient must also bow down to the edicts of those who have placed themselves over us because they are convinced they know better how to run our lives than we ourselves do.

This is the ethical, nay the moral bankruptcy of the reform plans that are being rammed down our throats and of all of those who are doing the ramming and anyone else who does not stand up against this travesty.

Almost every action taken so far from Dear Leader has had at its core this issue, but in the 'health care' reform debate, it is openly, glaringly clear:

We are engaged in a fundamental battle between liberty and tyranny.

And in this war, there is no middle ground, no fence to sit on.

I know which side of this battle I am on. Which side do you choose?

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