David Limbaugh points out the real issues involved in the coming health care reform battle, and it the forces of the left win, the rest of America will lose.
None of this matters to Obama and congressional Democrats, who are ideologically hellbent on socializing medicine.
He goes through in detail the true nature of the "45 million" uninsured as I have previously ranted upon.
He then goes on to explain why the coming socialization of our health care system will be a tragic mistake.
But Sowell's more sobering observation is that government-provided care is inevitably an exercise in price control.... "Artificially lower prices, created by government order rather than supply and demand, encourage more use of goods or services, while discouraging the production of those same goods and services. Increased consumption and reduced production mean a shortage." ... The scarcity will lead to waiting lists, increases in illnesses and death from the inadequacy and untimeliness of care. It will lead to rationing and decisions made by Big Brother's heartless bureaucrats as to who gets health care at all.
And he hints at what would be a preferable solution.
The sad reality is that the social planners, as usual, are prescribing exactly the wrong solutions. The main problem with soaring health care costs is not too much free market, but too little; it's not too little government control, but too much. As the brilliant Thomas Sowell tells us in his book "Applied Economics," "Only 13 percent of Americans' medical care costs are paid for directly out of pocket," which gives us an indication of how little market forces are at work in the system.
Read the whole thing. It's short, but cuts straight to the point as to what Obama and his ilk are trying to do to us and what we must organize against.